Monday, February 12, 2007

Children's Bereavement Center

One of the places we are registering for contributions is the Children's Bereavement Center of South Texas. Katie and I have been going there for close to a year. They provide group and individual counselling for children whose family members or close friends have died. We go to a group every other week for children who lost parents to a long-term illness, and it has given Katie a peer group as well as a place where it is safe for her to express herself without worrying about what the right thing to say or feel is.

In addition, since it has become clear to me that Kim and I were headed towards marriage, I have taken Katie there for individual counselling as well. She goes every other week and meets a student who is getting a degree in counselling. I decided to do this because this is something different than her peer group there. Most of the children there are within a year of losing their parent, and so they are not dealing with remarriage issues. Katie gets along fabulously with Sarah, her counsellor, and looks forward to going each time.

All services provided to the children are free of charge. The CBC is supported by individual donors and foundation grants so that no child is turned away for financial reasons. We as a family wholeheartedly support the CBC, and could think of no place we would recommend more highly for our friends and families to support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful thing to do. We are so greatful for such a special way of a new couple beginning there lives. To honour your marriage we will defiantly be making a donation to this cause. Thank you.